“If you are a dreamer, come in. If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a flier, a hope-er, a pray-er...come sit by my fire, for we have some flax golden tales to spin…”

– Shel Silverstein

Modern Boulder architects for 41 years, Barrett Studio Architects is committed to a transition toward a sustainable, green future. To achieve this dream we must look to nature for its bio-logic and its inspiration for form. By holding nature as our teacher, architecture can deliver a sense of vitality that places us in relationship to our surroundings. This awareness of a deep connection to living, breathing systems is an experience E.O. Wilson termed “biophilia”, the love of the living.

Living Architecture exceeds the aesthetic of natural harmony, rather it delves deep within to harmonize with the earth’s rhythms—to truly, seamlessly intertwine with nature.

“Whether it’s a poetic seed, an impulse to connect, a DNA, or finding the soul of an idea or project, we look to express an inner life manifesting an outward form.”


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