Jefferson Unitarian Church

Golden, Colorado

The Jefferson Unitarian Church project assessed the needs of an expanding congregation to arrive at and implement a master plan which called for extensive renovation and addition. Additions include educational space and a children’s chapel, with renovations of administration, fellowship, and sanctuary spaces. As this is a community with a very strong environmental ethic, the design team recognized the opportunity to not only satisfy the functional needs in the areas of expanded services, educational programs, and fellowship, but to also make a statement about the future. The message is one of responsible use of our natural resources and the conveyance of this responsibility to the children of the community – who are literally our future.

Specific sustainable measures include new construction using PerformWall (recycled polystyrene), ground source heat pump for Administrative wing, hydronic heating, natural ventilation and daylighting, and upgraded insulation in existing areas. Natural clay plaster walls and a simple concrete floor in the chapel area function to improve indoor air quality.

The Jefferson Unitarian Church was the recipient of the 2006 Jefferson County Design Excellence Award for Sustainable Development.

Jefferson Unitarian Church



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