Golden Discovery Center

Golden, Colorado

Through hands-on experiential learning and creative expression, the Golden Discovery Center will support programs that empower children and their families to take care of themselves, their communities, and the planet. It will be a model of resiliency and sustainability as well as health and wellbeing. The Discovery Center’s architecture is intended to nestle into a narrow, wooded draw as it integrates into a hillside while opening to the sun and dappled light. It will encourage young people to move easily into the outdoors and toward opportunities to explore, discover, interact, and reflect.

The educational compound will include:

  • A 4,000 sf Discovery Center with a welcoming area, gathering and classrooms, a teaching kitchen, and offices
  • A separate 1,000 sf Makers’ Space for arts, crafts, and woodworking
  • A Barn / Solar Greenhouse of approximately 2,500 sf



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