Additions and Renovations in Boulder

Why Boulder Additions and Renovations Make Sense

One would think that as architects who are passionate about design we would only advocate new construction, so why do we recommend the addition and renovation solution? A carefully planned and executed ‘reimagining’ of an existing detached home can often be created more affordably and more quickly, than brand new ground-up construction.
Full Service Architecture

The True Value of Full-Service Architecture

We are a full-service architecture firm. While this has a great deal of meaning to us, it's surprising that there isn't a commonly recognized definition among architects. An essence of shared meaning can be easily deduced, but we gravitate toward a definition that illustrates the qualities of our design process more than the stages of design.

Working With An Architect For The First Time

Working with an architect for the first time can be an exciting adventure. You've been dreaming about a home built especially for you, and now you're in the enviable position of making it happen. Poised for greatness, right? If only there were no fears rolling around in your head, disturbing your sleep!

Our Favorite Things Vol. 20

As the New Year approaches, Our Favorite Things Vol. 20 is having a rubberneck moment. Normally we look outward at what the world has to offer in cool architectural products, materials, and smartly designed projects. But what about us?!! Over here!!! We have something to show you: Five reasons why people light up when they walk into our Studio for the first time.
Musings on Modern(ism)

Musings on Modern(ism)

I've taken both the high road and the low road in these musings on modernism. For a bit of humor, watch this 5-minute video that is my somewhat tongue-in-cheek late night rant at the Month of Modern Wrap Party. Depending on your political orientation, it’ll give you a chuckle. On a more serious note, I have done quite a bit of thinking recently about what modernism is and isn’t and it comes down to this:
The Elegance of Just Enough

The Elegance of Just Enough

One of our all-time favorite clients and homes hit the spotlight in Denver Life Home+Design magazine's feature: Homes with Character. Matt Cotham is a young emergency room physician (above, fully enjoying his relaxing retreat) who told us "I can't imagine building another house, because mine is perfect."
The Seasoning of an Architect

The Seasoning of an Architect

Like most prospective architects, Rich and Nick’s careers began with the pursuit of an educational degree. Between the two of them, there are two Bachelor of Architecture degrees, a Bachelor of Environmental Design, and a Master of Architecture. With all that schooling, you’d think they would be architects right out of the gate.
Choose Love, Not Fear

Choose Love, Not Fear

Maybe it should be considered one of those bucket list experiences. However it is categorized, I was definitely honored to give the commencement address for the University of Colorado’s College of Environmental Design at the historic Macky Auditorium recently.
In the Blink of an Eye: The Accessibility Demon Rises

In the Blink of an Eye: The Accessibility Demon Rises

By Sam Nishek It happened so fast. Only two blocks…
Watershed Revival: A Heartwarming Flood Story

Watershed Revival: A Heartwarming Flood Story

Clients Ben and Shannon share their story of loss "After the Big One," and how they gained it back, in the cover story of Boulder County Home & Garden magazine.