Taking Flight
This is farewell.
After six years as the Office and Communications Manager I am taking flight with a big step toward my spiritual development, as a full time staff member at the home of my meditation practice. It is an opportunity I simply can’t pass up, even though I will miss so dearly my co-workers at Barrett Studio. What a wonderful job this has been! I can’t speak highly enough of this fine crew. They are everything you would want to have around you in a small studio such as ours.
As my farewell, I thought I would share a few photos from my recent staycation. David kindly lent me the digital SLR camera from work and I spent many hours in my backyard pollinator garden. There is nothing more relaxing than quietly waiting in the morning and the evening calm . . . the right distance away from the flower . . . listening for their distinctive calls (or no call.) And then suddenly the moment has arrived. Better have your finger on the shutter button! (Side note: holding such a big lens in all this waiting, it turns out my triceps need a little more working out.)
What I also learned about and witnessed was hummingbird behavior, which is truly quite fascinating. They know every flower in their territory and exactly how long it takes for the flower to refill. For this Journal article, I was hoping that some of the hummingbirds’ qualities would match up with our architecture in some way, aside from their awe striking beauty!!! Not so much…but at least one is a complete match:
Cleanliness: Big fans of baths and groom themselves often.
Social Behaviors: Lone creatures that are highly territorial, and even aggressive.
Courtship: Grandiose showmanship with little follow-through.
Nesting: Selective where building their nest, finding just the right spot. (Ding ding ding!)
Intellect: Very smart and have excellent memory, very little gets past them.
Sleeping: Deep sleepers, sometimes hanging upside down while sleeping.
So much for comparisons, right? Please don’t bring up the grooming.
It is time to lift my wings. Taking flight is never easy, but it begins with gratitude for where we have been. Thank you to all the people who I have been blessed to know here at the Studio, currently and in the past. David and Betzi will be friends forever, and Sam, Leah, and Matthew high on my list of treasured friends. It’s been a wonderful journey together.